They treat other people right and fairly but this girl doesn’t to me at all

They treat other people right and fairly but this girl doesn’t to me at all

If nothing happens, you might even try to develop a relationship with an area newspaper reporter, with the angle for them being how the school does or does not handle bullying in general, with your case being one of them

I hear them sometimes saying I hate her and I know hate is a very strong word than disliking someone. So in my opinion words are very powerful too and indirect bullying is something that i’ve experienced at that high school and I’ve seen it everywhere too I just hope that person can speak up too just like I’ve had even for nobody hadn’t done anything which that sucks. And again indirect bullying to me is spreading rumors and gossping about a specific person and ruining their reputation which that part they’ve done that to ne. These people are sophomores you know and I’m a senior they’ve got a whole lot to go and I don’t understand why the hell they’ve wasted their own time to make fun of me and pick on me everyday for nothing because none of this is my fault.

I’ve only been at this school for my last two years of high school because I’m a transfer student from another school and I’m glad I’ll be done but I will still find help out there. Thank you.

Hi Kayla, Glad to get the rest of your story. Many girls don’t speak up for themselves or know what to do; my comments are for them as well. Your Mom sounds great, so glad she is supportive… and, how discouraging not to get any action! I hope she’ll continue to ask but also pin down the principal to telling her what the school policy on bullying is. I attended school board meetings for 3 years as part of my work, and school boards have a process. The next step may be for you and your Mom to meet with a member of the board and ask them what the process is for getting something done. That may be further than you want to go… just a thought. There is always more to the story; I’m sure I don’t have all the facts–and the facts aren’t as important as how you’re feeling. In any case, however good my intentions in answering you, I am not there and do not know the people involved, so you’ll have to do what you think is best. I just like to encourage people to continue to seek help and answers in the best way and with the people best equipped to help them. More importantly, you’re in my thoughts and I hope you’ll get the support you deserve. This is a good place to vent, and I’m glad you did (as I have in the past).


Kayla, Stand up to these girls next time and say, with all the sincerity you can muster, “I’m so sorry about your abortion. It must be devastating to have your own father get you pregnant.” Then walk away. Rinse. Repeat. Yes it will enrage them and the bullying will get worse for a bit, but anytime anyone asks you about anything, say, “Yes, it’s so sad about the abortion.” She will leave you alone and it won’t take long. Be very sympathetic, and look understanding and sad for her. Ignore everything else she says, and when needed say, “I know your anger over the abortion and abuse is driving your bullying of me. I’m praying for you and your dead baby.” It’s brutal, but it works.