17 True Inspirational Stories of Real-Life Overcomers

17 True Inspirational Stories of Real-Life Overcomers

This collection of true inspirational stories focuses on real-life overcomers who faced adversity with grace and dignity! Meet these incredible people, hear their inspiring stories and be blessed by seeing God at work in so many mysterious ways. These inspirational short stories are such a reminder of God’s love!

1. True Inspirational Stories – Lianna Lay

A 12-year-old girl named Lianna lay on the side of the road barely clinging to life. She’d been brutally raped by two men, and left for dead. Her face and neck were mutilated in the attack, the scars of which would remain for a lifetime. She thought for sure her life was over – that she never again would feel happiness or peace or any semblance of normality.

Then Lianna learned that she was pregnant as a result of the attack. Her doctor saw this as just another scar from the incident. But one that he suggested could be easily remedied with a simple procedure – an abortion. The doctor encouraged Lianna to have the procedure, telling her it was her right thing to do so she wouldn’t be haunted by a constant reminder of the attack.

But even as a traumatized 12-year-old who had experienced some of the worst this world had to offer, Lianna understood just how precious life is. She knew that ending this baby’s life would not heal her scars or erase the horrific events she had endured.

So this young girl asked her doctor one important question. And his answer confirmed what she already knew she needed to do about her baby. Click here to continue reading about real-life overcomer Lianna and her true inspirational story!

2. Real-life Inspirational Short Stories – Jacquelina Adan

Jacquelina worked hard and lost 350 pounds. She felt both excited and nervous when donning a bathing suit on the beach for the first time in a very long time. And a few cruel onlookers nearly ruined the huge moment by pointing and laughing. But this incredible woman had come too far to let that happen. And her response is so inspiring!

Jacquelina Adan is a pre-school teacher who didn’t realize just how much weight she’d gained until a humiliating experience at Disneyland where she got stuck in https://www.rapidloan.net/installment-loans-tx/ a turnstile. “I was pretty much mortified,” she said.

After finally getting free, she ran to the bathroom and cried. But after the sobs subsided, Jacquelina decided to make a change. She hadn’t weighed herself in years, and when she saw the number on the scale – 510 pounds – she couldn’t believe it.

Jacquelina made healthy lifestyle choices and though it took her years of hard work, she lost hundreds of pounds! She headed to Mexico for a vacation, and having lost 350 pounds, she decided she was ready to wear a bathing suit without a coverup – something she hadn’t done for so long.

If the folks around her knew how much blood, sweat, and tears had gone into that moment, perhaps they’d have cheered as Jacquelina shed her cover up. Sadly, though, only one couple took notice. And they cruelly pointed and laughed at Jacquelina.

3. Short Inspirational Stories – Abandoned Baby Graduates From College Where She Was Found

When a college kid heard rustling late at night in the laundry room, he never expected to find an abandoned baby. This was clearly divine intervention!

A San Francisco State University student named Patrick was doing some laundry late one night when he got the shock of a lifetime. A rustling noise drew Patrick’s attention to a cardboard box in the laundry room. And curiosity quickly turned to horrified surprise as a peek into the box revealed an infant! But seeing what God has done in the life of this abandoned baby is truly incredible.