There are quite a few tourist attractions and outdoor activites, where you can quickly get hot and sexy girls

There are quite a few tourist attractions and outdoor activites, where you can quickly get hot and sexy girls

  • Tecelagem O Lino weaving & Traditional crafts: Most of the Portuguese women love art and craftwork of blankets and rugs. Visit here, and you will find many of them coming in a large group.


It is not mandatory that you will only get hot girls in nightclubs, pubs, bars, and shopping malls. All you have to do is to visit these places and enjoy them more than enjoying a nightclub You might not get any sexy girl in the first attempt, but keep trying, and you will definitely get them. These are some of the famous places in Azores where you will get high chances of meeting these girls:

  • Museu Carlos Machado: A museum of most beautiful Portuguese arts built by the famous architect of Portugal named Carlos Machado. The artistic works which you will get here are fabulous and are loved by tourists all over the world. But, if you are visiting there to meet sexy girls, you will get them, but most of them like art. If your choices match with them, you can surely make friends and go on a coffee date.